Monday 13 May 2013

The Great Gatsby Part 2.

Welcome to Part 2 of my in depth view into the communication behind 'The Great Gatsby'. Today I will talk about the different trailers, tv-spots and the way Social Media is used throughout all of this. I'll try not to be bore you to death while doing that.

In total there are three different full length trailers and eight (or more?) tv-spots. Which is, as strange as it sounds, quite normal for a big movie like this. What I love most about the different trailers and tv-spots is that they don't show too much. They show what you can expect from the movie without spoling the main storyline. You'd expect this to be a common thing for trailers, sadly it's not. Trailers these days tend to spoil everything, including every single good joke that the movie has.

Some of 'The Great Gatsby' trailers could be seen as stand alone short films. They are so beautiful and captivating. When I first saw them in the movie theater, I got goosebumps. Another thing that sets them apart from other trailers is the music, the surprisingly modern music. Using such modern music for a movies that takes place in 1925 is not conventional, but it does show that we can expect this movie to have a modern touch to it. And that is what this movie needs considering this is the fourth remake. 

Social Media
Social media, you hear everyone talk about it. Every company in the world thinks it needs a Facebook page and you are harassed on every site by links to post something to your Twitter account. Communication surrounding movies is no different, they try to use Social Media in every way possible to get more people to see their movie. 'The Great Gatsby' however has a few unique ways to use Social Media to their advantage.

They made their own hashtag and created a place where all the posts using this tag are compiled together. I love this idea, it gives you a sense of excitement by showing you all the people that are talking/posting things about this movie. People can upload pictures on Instagram or Twitter and have them displayed on the official website. It's a lot of fun to see the different outfits people have created or the stunning artwork they have submitted.
Submitted fan art

It's a smart trick because people will try to use a hashtag like this to get more followers. They know other social media users will check up on this hashtag and possibly follow users that post great stuff. Or at least that is what those fame hungry teens hope.

Follow please
The communication team behind 'The Great Gatsby' made sure to add a link under every video, picture or atricle they post that gives you the possiblity to post it on your Social Media accounts. Which is smart.
You can also find an official Great Gatsby account on any well known Social Media site. From Facebook to Tumblr, they use it all. They do this to get more attention for the movie, and it seems to work.