Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Great Gatsby Part 3.

Part 3 of my in depth view into the communication behind the hyped up new version of 'The Great Gatsby'. Today I'm going to tell you about the surprisingly modern music and the fashion. Big artists and big fashion brands are used to attract big crowds.

The soundtrack of this movie is absolutely unbelievable. Jay Z is the driving force behind it, and he sure as hell did a great job. Songs from a wide range of singers. Some extremely famous like
Beyonce (she didn't mind helping her hubby out) some indie artists like Lana del Rey or the XX. So naturally with so many different artists there's lots of variety in the music. From melancholic ballads to rap, but somehow it's still very cohesive.
Some people commented on the movie saying the rapping and a movie from the 1920's didn't work together. But I disagree, rap is a perfect representation of the superficial and empty lifestyle that 'The Great Gatsby' shows.
I love the fact that this movie didn't pick the easy road and used modern music instead of music from the actual time period itself. It brings something different to this movie and I can't wait to hear it in the movie thearte. And besides that it's a smart way to get people interested in the movie, fans of the singers will listen to the music and possibly watch a trailer. This is exactly what the communication behind 'The Great Gatsby' wants. Because they could easily get a big demographic to see their movie.
Check out the music video for Lana Del Rey's song Young & Beautiful (from the soundtrack)

The Fashion is this movie is used for two reasons. First of all to give a modern inpretation of the 1920's style and secondly to show the wealth of the characters involved. 'The Great Gatsby' is about living the american dream, living an superficial and extremely wealthy lifestyle is obviously(?) part of that. To make it look realistic they needed clothes from expensive brands, because that's what the characters in the book wear.

Many fashion brands that collaborated with the costume designer (Catherine Martin) for 'The Great Gatsby', are brands that actually existed in the 1920's. Brands like Tiffanny & Co and Brooks Brothers even made clothing and accessoires for F. Scott Fitzgerald himself. It's not just a bunch of random brands, each and every one has something to do with either the 1920's or this story in general. I can tell you one thing without seeing the movie, it's going to be a feast for your eyes. Besides the gowns and suits famous make-up brand MAC did the (you guessed it) make-up for the movie. And Moët & Chandon made sure there was enough champagne to go around.

Publicity is very important for 'The Great Gatsby' so by collaborating  with big brands they will get a buzz going. And they might even attract the real fashion freaks who just want to see the beautiful dresses and jewelry.