Saturday 18 May 2013

How To behave in a Cinema

Considering going to the movies is relatively cheap, a lot of people go there every day. It's not quite often that you're alone in a movie theatre (unless you watch Katy Perry the movie). And just like any other social environment there are certain guidelines you will need to follow. And just in case you're not aware of those yet, I've made a post just for you.

Nothing is more annoying then people ruining your movie experience. Here's a few things that you can call people out on without feeling like a dick and rules to follow yourself.

1. Whisper
It's okay to ask your friend a question. It's okay to make a comment. It's okay to be excited about the actress that just entered the screen. But please for the love of god whisper about it. It's quite easy to whisper loud enough to make your friend hear it, without letting the entire theatre enjoy it your comment.

2. Make yourself small
I understand this can be hard if you're really tall but you can always just slouch a bit. You will destroy the movie experience for the person behind you if you block a part of their view. So just leave that tophat at home and if you really need it, just take it off when you're inside the theatre.

3. Keep your feet close
The title really says it all. Don't put your feet against the seat in front of you without making sure there's no-one on that row. When you make one chair in the row move, you will make the entire row move (not in every theatre obviously).

1. State the obvious
This is my personal pet peeve. It's so incredibly distracting to hear someone say the thing everyone else already realized. And somehow they think it's a big discovery so they feel the need to share it with everyone. Boy how smart they must feel. Great example of this: In Harry Potter & The Deahtly Hallows Part 1  (that's a mouthful) there's a point where Harry finds a frozen lake and on the ground he sees the sword of Gryffindor. And after about 5 seconds of this shot I suddenly hear a gasp behind me. "A sword!" The woman behind me said. Yes random woman, that was indeed a sword, thank you for letting me now.

2. Chew out loud 
Eating food in the movie theatre is completely fine. Just make sure you don't chew like a cow. During a really quiet scene, just leave the popcorn for one second. Most people don't seem to notice they make a lot of noise. But trust me, it's awful. Another tip: don't try to throw that popcorn in your mouth from a distance, you will fail and look like a fool.

3. Be embarrassed
A movie theatre is dark so don't feel embarrassed to let your emotions flow. Cry when you want to and cry as much as you want. Laugh as hard as you normally do, don't let other people take away the fun. I love hearing someone laugh so hard it's even louder than the movie. At least I know you're interested in the movie and you're enjoying it (and that's why you're there).
Read all about crying in the cinema on my previous post.

If you can't be bothered to read all of this or just simply don't care, I will give you one golden rule. Only two different sounds are allowed in the movie theatre: laughter and gasping (don't overdo either of them!).