Friday 7 June 2013

Column: A horrible movie! What now?

I love going to the movie theatre (obviously). I even pay 20 bucks a month to go to as many of them as I want, and I don't regret that at all. It gives me the possibility to watch a truckload of movies, even movies I wouldn't normally go and see. And those movies tend to surprise me, because my expectations are pretty low. But sometimes the movies are just complete shit. So I have to enjoy myself for two hours without annoying anyone around me.

Enjoy the crowd
One thing I love to do when I'm bored: turn around the moment someone (in the movie) makes a terrible pun. Just look at the audiences reaction, it's absolutely priceless. Pro tip: Movies with big followings, like Harry Potter and Stark Trek, are the best places to do this. Those people have this extra connection with the movie that make them laugh at every horrible joke.

Internal monologue
Another thing that always keeps me entertained is having a mental conversation with whoever is on screen. When they ask a question, you answer it in your head. I try give funny responses, which I obviously fail at most of the time. But that's okay, no-one can hear it. And besides, it's a great way to train your skill as a comedian.

Pass Judgement 
Sometimes when you're a bit early to go and see a movie, you can get pretty bored. Because you have to wait until the movie starts. I luckily don't have this problem very often considering I always walk into the theatre when the commercials have already started (I'm going to blame my friend for this).
But a way to pass time is by carefully watching everyone around you. And after a long evaluation you can try to guess what movie they are going to. You don't really know if you're sure or not, but it's still fun. There are many things that give it away.

Read my post to learn about the do's and dont's in a cinema: