Sunday 9 June 2013

Meet the Blogger

So I've been mindlessly posting for a few weeks here. It's about time that I introduce myself. And yes I could make a list of my age/name ect. But where's the fun in that?

So I'm going to show you who I am by stating some movie related facts about me. Some of these are terrible confessions while others are just completely random things.
You can decide what they say about me.

love horrible chick flicks
really like actresses named Emma
buy dvd's for the behind the scenes footage
never cry during movies, unless an animal dies 
love watching the same movies over and over
would rather watch a kids movie then a thriller
have watched one horror movie in my life, I didn't sleep that night
don't really like 'The Breakfast Club' 
have watched every Twilight movie
have only seen the first three Star Wars episodes
think Easy A and Bridesmaids are comedy gold
think IMAX is overrated
love movies from studio Ghibli
didn't really get Inception the first time
love Harry Potter with all my heart
want to be an elf from Lord Of The Rings 
hate movies that scare the crap out of me
watch movies to procrastinate 
love historic drama movies
wish movies didn't have subtitles in the cinema
wonder if anyone is still reading this
dream about working on a big fantasy movie 
want to be an actor and or director
love over the top action 
can never decide what my favourite movie is
think Cate Blanchett is the most stunning actress alive
think movies are the greatest form of entertainment

If you want to get to know more about me, check out my Tumblr or Twitter. (I'm Dutch so you probably won't understand half of it)