Sunday 9 June 2013

English for Dummies

Movies aren't just mindless entertainment. It's so much more then that. Movies have actually taught me a lot. And not just important life lessons, they have even taught me practical things that are actually useful in real life. And there's one thing in particular that has really helped me in life.

I was born in the Netherlands, so obviously English is not my first language. So I had to learn English in order to be successful in live. Surely school might have helped me out a tiny bit, but overall I got learned English through playing video games and watching movies.

The great thing is, my English teacher actually understood this. He gave people the advice to watch any movie they loved without subtitles. Such a fun way to work on expanding your vocabulary.

By watching movies you subconsciously pick up a lot. I'm convinced that learning English by watching your favorite movie is a great and should be encouraged. So if you have an important English test tomorrow, just watch Harry Potter.