Wednesday 5 June 2013

Disney Made You Pt. 2

Last time I've told you about Disney teaching children to deal with life. And especially the bad parts of life. So today I wanted to talk about something more uplifting. A lesson that Disney teaches us, a lesson that I find extremely important. Especially for children, since they are the future (sucks for them).

Disney learnt us to love animals. They do this is many different ways, all with the same message: love and respect animals. And that's a message that is very dear to me. Being the crazy animal person that I am. A true disney princess has at least one encounter with birds flying around her, while she's most likely singing. It's a part of their storytelling, something everyone loves and can relate to.

The three most prominent ways Disney uses their movies to get this message across are:
1. Animal companions
Any big Disney hero needs one animal companion. Some are quirky, some are cute while others are basically a mentor. There's one common truth about them, they are not just there to be cute animals. All those companions add something to the story, helping the princess. And they are just so adorable.

2. Talking animals
In the Disney universe it's quite common for animals to be able to talk. Some can be heard by humans while others can't. But it shows that animals do communicatie with each other. Even though some people find that hard to understand. By giving the animals speech, we can relate to them on an even deeper level.

3. Through their eyes
Disney movies shows children (and grown-ups let's be honest) a glimpse into the world of animals. Movies like Bambi gives people an understanding of animals and how they live, what they go through. Even the tiny insects get some love from Disney in 'A Bug's Life' that shows that even the smallest living creatures have feelings and should be respected.

By not just talking about loving animals but by actually showing how and why, I think Disney is doing something great. I truly hope that children all around the world will take this lesson to heart.