Tuesday 2 July 2013

Visual vs. Storytelling

After watching 'Only God Forgives' yesterday I was left with a question in my head. This movie was visually driven, no dialogue unless it was absolutely necessary. And even though this movie didn't really work for me, it was stunning. Every shot could've been a photograph. But are visuals really so important?

While some movies are made to give you something pleasant to look at. Others are more director towards telling a certain story. Visual movies usually try to tell you the story through showing metaphoric images. The problem with this is, most people don't get it. Not because they are dumb but simply because the director forgets their audience and their reference. 

Dialogue driven movies however can get boring really fast. Our attention span doesn't allow us to focus on two hours of people talking. We need some distraction once in a while. 

I personally look for the perfect match. Visually stunning shots that tell you a story combined with witty and emotional dialogue. I want it all! 

So what do you think? Visual or storytelling? What's more important for a good movie.
In case you only want to see pretty visuals watch 'Spring Breakers'. And if you want lots of vivacious dialogue I highly recommend 'Lincoln'.