Thursday 4 July 2013

Creating Serial Killers

Blood, intestenses and screams. The world of action movies is filled with everything your mother tried to shield you from. Many people still get their panties in a twist over them (or their tighty withies). But are they right? Are gory movies really that bad for you?

The first answer many people would give is: yes. How can watching people being decapitated not be a bad influence on someone? Seeing lots of violence will make you more accostumed to violence, so you're less likely to be shocked about violent acts. Sounds logical right?

But that is actually not true. Research has found that we are capable of seperating real life from movies (yay for science...). Even from a young age violence in the news will affect you much more than in a movie. Our brain knows that it's fake. As strange as it sounds, we are actually smart enough to know the difference between amusement and reality.

If you think about it, it's an open door. Do you honestly think that a gory horror movie freak wouldn't be shocked when they got face to face with the violence that is portrayed in those movies? Unless they are psychopatic (which all horror movie fans probably are), of course they would.

There's is more to this argument than what I've mentioned here, but I'll spare you all the boring details. Next time you watch a gory movie: don't worry, you won't become a serial killer.