Wednesday 19 June 2013

Recycled and Abused

I've always wanted to go inside the mind of the CEO of a big movie company. Maybe then I will finally learn why they do certain things. Like making the same movie over and over because the first one was mildly successful. And do they honestly think that a big explosion and some side-boob will make them more money?

The upcoming movie 'The Lone Ranger' is another example of CEO logic that I just don't get. We've all seen the 5(?) 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies, and they were pretty nice. But why did they make the exact same movie with cowboys and indians? Besides the fact that Pirates are ten times more awesome than cowboys, it just doesn't make sense.

Check out the trailer and be honest. It feels like you're watching the next Pirates of the Caribbean and Captain Jack Sparrow is going to show up any moment. Don't get me wrong, I love the humour that Johnny brings us in his sublime acting. Yet it is kinda annoying that no-one bothered to do something completely different.

I'm still going to watch this movie because of Johnny and Helena. I guess the CEO's have one thing right: putting great actors together will make you more money. Damn you corporate big shots!