Tuesday 18 June 2013

YouTube Idol

Watching YouTube videos is one of those things that I do all day, every day. I love watching what I want, when I want it. And the content on YouTube is getting better. A prime example of this is my absolute favorite YouTuber (yes that's a real thing): comicbookgirl19

Let me introduce you to the pink haired, tough talking, hilarious know-it-all that is comicbookgirl19. In case you're wondering, I don't know her real name. She said it once in a video and it sounded like Danica? But that's all part of the mystery.

Now you might think. What does someone who likes comic books have to do with a blog about movies? Well comicbookgirl19 is just as interested in movies as in comic books. Which is great for me, because she knows a thing or two about it. I'm going to be honest, I learned A LOT from her.

Watch her YouTube-channel trailer:


This girl and her robot side-kick are not just making 3 minute rants on movies. They really go in-depth into things that most of us didn't know anything about. 20 minutes long videos are not uncommon! And they are not afraid to speak their mind, which is refreshing in the YouTube universe.

If you love sci-fi, fantasy and horror movies. You should just subscribe, trust me.
And if after all my ass kissing you are still not convinced. Check out her Game of Thrones Epic History series: