Monday 3 June 2013

My Evil Stepmom

Movies are mainly great and incredible. But for some people among us, they create stereotypes. Stereotypes that get inserted into our brains from an early age. Some are unrealistic, others are mean and they always hurt someone. Movies have obviously played a big part in the creation of these stereotypes. 
Today I'm going to talk about one of the most hurtful and long lasting stereotypes ever created by movies.

I'm obviously talking about the fact that every stepmother or count is considered evil. This great injustice has tormented counts and stepmothers for years!

Count Dooku 
In all seriousness though, who doesn't think of an evil guy with a big moustache when they think about counts? And 'Cinderella' taught us all that a step-family is bound to be awful. The worst thing is, I'm not even completely joking. When I hear the word 'step-mother' I instantly think about an old women with a sour face. That's how big the influence of a movie can be.

Same thing for a count. Every time a mediaval movie needs a bad guy, it's probably a count in black armor. I have no clue where this stereotype came from, but I reckon counts weren't much loved back then.
Let's all have a moment of silent for all the sweet counts and lovely step-sisters. Those poor bastards