Sunday 16 June 2013

Kickstarter = Viewer Power

In case you don't know what Kickstarter is. It's a website that gives people the possibility to start a fundraiser. Allowing anyone to pay money to a certain project. You might think, what does that have to do with your blog and movies? Don't worry I'm not going to beg you for money (I could use it though).

Kickstarter is giving people a very special opportunity. Instead of big corporations with lots of money deciding what movies are going to be like. Kickstarter gives movie producers a change to make a movie that is completely in line with their artistic vision. No-one telling them what the viewers want, or asking for more sex appeal. And that's a really good thing, because interference from people who only want profit will likely fuck a movie up. The examples are basically endless.

Kickstarter is proof of the power that we have, all together. The new movie 'Wish I Was There' received three million dollars in fundings, that's insane. I personally can't wait for this Zach Braff directed and produced movie (yes the guy from Scrubs).

Kickstarter might actually be a starting point, a way for independent movie makers to follow their own ideas and beliefs. And this could really improve the quality of movies, which is great! If everyone just funds the movies that they like, we will finally have some degree of control over the movie industry. For once we, the viewers, can show what we really want. Now let's just hope all of us want good movies.