Tuesday 11 June 2013

A Look Into Our Future

Sci-fi movies are big business. From the very beginning, futuristic movies have been incredibly popular in the movie industry. Viewers love the idea of having a look into our own future, even though it's not accurate most likely. Some of those sci-fi movies and tv-series have become cultural icons. 'Star Trek' being the prime example. Everyone knows Spock and his famous line "Live long and prosper". I wonder, could these movies actually influence our future?

Would some inventations not exist if it wasn't for Sci-fi movies giving us the idea in the first place? Remember when the iPad came out and some people referred to '2001: A Space Odyssey' showing us that they actually had iPads in a old sci-fi movie. Who knows, maybe Apple was actually inspired by movies like this.

It's no surprise that inventors are influenced by movies. They inspire them to make new and awesome technology. No-one would want jetpacks so badly if we hadn't seen 'The Rocketeer' for example. That movie showed us how strong and useful a jet-pack would be. Clearly shown in this fake propaganda film from the movie:

So I figured, one of them must have hit the spot. One of them must be a pretty accurate description of our future. And how cool would that be? Or how terrible...
If that is true we can count on two things in our future. Two things that basically every sci-fi movie has: Flying cars and evil governments.

What do you hope our future will look like?
Lightsabers, homicidal robots or warp-speed space travelling?

My choice would be either 'Star Trek' because it has a pretty ideal world (no money!) or 'Elysium'. Considering I would be part of the extremely wealthy people on Elysium itself. Watch the trailer to understand what I'm talking about: