Monday 6 May 2013

Short review: Warm Bodies (2013)

Starring: John MalkovichNicholas HoultTeresa Palmer 
Director: Jonathan Levine 
Runtime: 98 min 
Genre(s): Comedy, Horror, Romance

Baggy eyes, (un)intentional hilarity and growling. 
That's how I'd sum up the new zombie romance movie called Warm bodies. Following the 'I think I love that dead guy' trend that Twilight started and bringing it to an whole other level. Warm bodies is a unique take on zombies that was really enjoyable. It also seems to jokingly reference to tween love stories without being condescending. 

In the past we've always seen zombies as mindless and brain-hungry monsters but for once we see it from a new perspective. The movie successfully made zombies look endearing and kind off cute. Never before has a small pack of zombies looked so incredibly adorable to me (and the voice-over of R, the main zombie guy, made it even better). The story itself wasn't very interesting but overall it was exciting enough. And luckily the incredible awkward love story doesn't try to hard and is actually quite funny. 

You should definitely watch this movie at some point, but watching it on your own tv will suffice.
Oh and if you watched it, am I the only one who thinks Julie (Teresa Palmer) looks exactly like Kristin Stewart?