Sunday 5 May 2013

History 2.0: Watching movies

Elle s'appelait Sarah (2010)

The 5th of May is an important day in the Netherlands. The day we celebrate our freedom, the day we remember the liberation in 1945 and the day we remember that the Germans still owe us a lot of bikes. So obviously every channel on tv is showing a movie somehow connected to WWII (War of the worlds was a bit of a stretch but okay). And I think that's great!

WWII movies are great because they keep the memory alive. They show us what it was like and help us remember why we should never ever let something like that happen again. Yesterday I watched 'The boy in the striped pajamas' and 'Elle s'appelait Sarah' (yeah I used the French title to sound interesting) I would recommend watching both of them, really moving and thought provoking movies. Don't expect any happy endings and be ready to remember how lucky you are to live in 2013.

All night I felt so humble and was completely sucked into the story lines. It's hard to believe mankind was capable of these things. Luckily both movies managed to show a glimpse of light in these dark times, which made it more bearable to watch (kinda).  While watching them, I realized that these movies are the best way for a new generation to learn about the war. Especially because a movie can get people emotionally involved way better then any history lesson ever could. People can tell you how thousands of people died in the holocaust but a movie will be able to make you feel what is was like. So here's a tip for every History teacher out there: show your students movies. They will love it, you will have less work and they still learn important facts. 

Movies are a way for us to remember the past in the most vivid way possible.
Being entertained and learning about our important history, that's pretty great.