Tuesday 28 May 2013

Disney Made You Pt. 1

The Walt Disney company, the company that provided roughly 70% of all your favorite childhood movies. We've all seen Disney movies as children and this has partially shaped us into the people we are today.
In my 'Disney Made You' series I will talk about the undeniable influence Disney movies have had on our society. And besides that I will also show you my favorite Disney moments and find other ways to glorify everything else they did. But don't worry, I'll keep it real!

In part 1 of hopefully many parts I'm going to talk about the darker side of Disney movies and why I think it's important that children see this. Because these moments are basically Disney preparing you for real life (well minus the sex, drugs and Rock N Roll).

Many things that happen in Disney movies are deemed unfit for children. Besides many loved characters dying (Mufasa noo!), other examples include boys being turned into slave donkeys in 'Pinocchio' and a deformed guy being abused on a festival in 'The Hunchbank of Notre Dame'. The list of horrid things is actually quite long. Yet they is always a lesson. In 'Mulan' for example, you learn that war comes with consequences. Wars are not just heroic and exciting like some movies make you believe.

But in the end. These things are realistic, these are things that happen in the real world. These are things that human beings are capable off. Disney isn't afraid to show children the reality of life, and it's so important that kids see this. They need to learn early on what to expect in life and be prepared for it. It's a part our society and I don't see any use in 'shielding' children from it, when they will be confronted with it at some point anyways. At least now they can expect it and know the good people will prevail. Or at least, that's what Disney teaches us.

And just to show you that Disney isn't just making  for the sake of scaring your child. If you look at the origins of our favorite Disney movies, the end-result isn't so bad at all. Sleeping beauty actually slept for a hundred years amongst corpses, and if you dig even further she was allegedly raped by a king. Ariel committed suicide after losing the prince. And Cinderella's stepsisters cut off their own toes and heels to fit in that apparently very appealing glass slipper.