Friday 31 May 2013

Column: A quick rant

We all love going to the movie theater. And considering it's a pretty cheap night out, . So every time I go to see a new movie it's pretty packed inside that dark confided space.
Which is fine by me, the more the merrier right?

I guess that would be true if everyone just sat there quietly enjoying the movie (that's what you're supposed to by the way). Sadly a lot of people seemed to have missed this memo. Let me just get this straight, you're only allowed to made two noises inside a movie theatre. And those are: laughter and schock. That's it. I absolutely hate people that ruin my movie experience, especially if I'm watching a movie that I'm really excited for.

I don't know why everyone feels the need to constantly state their opinions about everything. But I honestly don't care if you like the movie or not. Just post it on Facebook afterwards, no-one is going to read that anyway.

Check my 'How to behave in a movie theatre' post for Do's and Don'ts while watching a movie.

To end this rant/column on a happier note. I've just bought the extended blu-ray Lord of The Rings trilogy and I'm in love with it!