Saturday 25 May 2013

What makes a movie a good movie?

This is a question I've asked myself numerous times. Is it the boundaries that are pushed or the breathtaking special effects? Do high ratings in a prominent news paper make a movie good?
The first thing we need to realize is the fact that everyone has their own opinion. Some people think Scary Movie is hilarious while others can't stand it, some people cry during Disney movies while others think it's just for children.

For me only two things really matter:
1. Did you enjoy the movie?

2. Does the movie make you think?

Yes the movie might have an incredibly real looking dragon or the lead actress might've gotten an award for her incredible acting skills. But in the end your own enjoyment is the only thing that matters. By enjoying the movie I also mean wether you got what you wanted out of watching the movie or not. Did you want to have a good cry or did you just want to escape to another world?

You don't even need to answer both questions with 'Yes'. Even if the movie wasn't what you expected but you still think about it the next day. It simply is a good movie.

Do you agree with me or do you guys value the opinion of movie critics more? (I don't blame you)