Thursday 9 May 2013

Tears in the dark

Up (2009)
The biggest strength that movies have is their ability to get people involved. And in particular emotionally involved, movies are incredibly strong in achieving that involvement. We've all cried while watching a movie (yes even you) and we are no stranger to feeling scared in the movie theater either. Somehow we can feel so connected to a movie and their characters, that we feel actual grief when one of them dies. It's amazing to think a few images and some sound can make us feel such strong emotions. Some movies can take you on an emotional roller coaster that will leave you drained at the end. And strangely enough we like that. It's a way for us to express our emotions for a while without feeling embarrassed. Maybe it's pent up emotion, or maybe we just really like to have a good cry once in a while.

All I know is that it's important to let your emotions flow and movies are a great tool for that. So next time something bad happens in a movie, don't play it tough and just let it all out! One tip: make sure you don't start hyperventilating or anything, or you'll still end up being embarrassed.

I think one of the greatest examples of an emotional roller coaster is the opening sequence in Disney Pixar's 'Up'. It tells the story of Carl and Ellie and basically why Carl is so grumpy all the time (I would be grumpy too). And in those 8 minutes Disney manages to make you feel so involved with their life that at the end of it, it feels like you've known them for years. Without words they show you so much of their lives. And let's not forget it's an animation! So you're not even looking at actual people. Another aspect that's very important here is the music. It really strengthens the story and the emotional effect.

If you haven't watched it yet, you should really just watch the whole movie. But for anyone as lazy as me, just click on the youtube link right here.

So what movies made you cry? I'd love to know!
Any movie with an animal dying will do the trick for me.