Thursday 23 May 2013

30 Day Movie Challenge

If you're not sure what movie to watch but you do want to watch some. Here's a 30 day challenge giving you 30 different movies you could watch. Now you don't have to actually watch one every single day but it's definitely a fun way to watch movies you haven't seen in forever.

Day 1 - Your Favorite Film
Day 2 - Your least Favorite film
Day 3 - The last Film you saw at the Cinema
Day 4 -  The first Film you saw at the Cinema
Day 5 - The first Film you bought on DVD
Day 6 - A Film by your favorite Director
Day 7 - A Film by your least favorite Director
Day 8 - A Film with your favorite Actor
Day 9 - A Film with your favorite Actress
Day 10 - The most overrated Film you've seen
Day 11 - The most underrated Film you've seen
Day 12 - A Film you wish more people had seen
Day 13 - A Film no one would expect you to like
Day 14 - Your favorite Film as a kid
Day 15 - Your favorite Animated Movie
Day 16 - Your favorite foreign language Film
Day 17 - Your favorite Super Hero Film
Day 18 - Your favorite Biopic
Day 19 - Your favorite Trilogy/Quadrilogy/Ect.
Day 20 - The funniest Film you've ever seen
Day 21 - The most bizarre Film you've ever seen
Day 22 - The most depressing Film you've ever seen
Day 23 - The most powerful Film you've ever seen
Day 24 - The Film you are most looking forward to seeing
Day 25 - A Movie you could Quote word for word (or near enough)
Day 26 - A Movie that was filmed where you live (or close to)
Day 27 - A Film that's so bad it's good
Day 28 - Your favorite Movie Protagonist
Day 29 - Your favorite Movie Villain
Day 30 - Your favorite Movie Cameo
